JSC «Moskovskaya gorodskaya telefonnaya set’» (Moscow city telephone network) is one of the largest European companies rendering services of fixed telecommunication and Internet access.
The main shareholder of MGTS is JSC «MTS».
MGTS serves more than 4,4 million subscribers. The share of MGTS main telephone sets in the Moscow market makes 77,2%, the share in the market of private users — 97,8%. The number of users connected to the Internet by MGTS exceeds 413 thousand.
In 2011 reconstruction of MGTS network came to the end with transition to a digital format. Additional services such as reception and sending of SMS, digital number identifier, call transfer and hold, «hot line", conference calls and some other services became available to subscribers of the company. Also digital format of communication will allow MGTS to realize in 2012 the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation No. 137 of 20.09.2009 and to introduce on a communication network a uniform ten-character number format with a prefix «8».
SAP solution implementation in MGTS started in 2004, the system in it full scale was put into operation in 2007. It allowed to increase efficiency of JSC MGTS business activity.
As a result of ERP-system implementation MGTS succeeded to reduce expenses on a number of main indicators, and also to optimize terms and quality of reporting preparation – both accounting and administrative. According to MGTS estimates, only at the expense of direct cost optimization the project paid its way within the first year of full-function system use. Results of the first year of ERP use inspired the company to implement system additional functionality.
The striking example of JSC MGTS once again proves that SAP software products are one of the most valuable and effective investments into successful business development.
"We are glad of opportunity to share SAP implementation experience, and we hope that use of the best world project practices will allow us in turn to become more effective. Successful experience of joint SAP and MGTS project on infomedia transformation can be demanded both in telecommunication branch and out of it since goals of company’s effective development and management are common for entire business community", — noted Dmitry Yartsev, an MGTS information technology director.