
Prompt response to changes in the external environment is a serious competitive advantage of any company.

Pharmaceutical Industry:
Supply Chain Digital Transformation

  • 18+ years of transforming pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors SCM
  • 30+ successful digital transformation projects
The Challenges of Supply Chain Management in Pharmaceutical Industry:

  • Regulatory Compliance: industry is highly regulated, with stringent guidelines for manufacturing, storage, and distribution. Compliance across different countries requires robust tracking and documentation systems.
  • Quality Control: maintaining the efficacy and safety of drugs from the point of production through to delivery. Temperature control (cold chain logistics) is critical for many products, necessitating advanced monitoring and storage solutions to prevent degradation.
  • Supply Chain Visibility: achieving full visibility across the supply chain is crucial for ensuring the authenticity and safety of pharmaceutical products.
  • Inventory Management: managing inventory levels to meet demand without overproducing is challenging, especially given the long lead times for manufacturing and the variability in demand. Overstocking can lead to increased costs and wastage, while understocking can result in shortages and impact patient care.
  • Cost management: FMCG companies need to manage costs related to raw materials, production, transportation, and storage while dealing with thin profit margins and intense competition.
  • Sales vs Supply capacity and warehouse throughput conflicts leading to difficulties in fulfilling the revenue plan.
  • Customers are not satisfied with the service level: late or not-in-full deliveries.
  • Transportation vehicles are not loaded in full. Loading takes a long time and the transportation costs are high.
  • Inability to track transport order fulfillment, no understanding where the order is and when it is supposed to be delivered to the customers.
  • No online-visibility of stock (quality, quantity, serial number, location). High scrapping and warranty reclaim rates.

Our solution portfolio is focused on digital supply chain excellence since it is a core value-generating process for the Pharma industry.

We digitize end-to-end SCM processes: from planning procurement to last mile delivery to the customers.

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