The ROCKWOOL Russia Group company belongs to ROCKWOOL Group of companies – the world leader in production of rock wool solutions.
> 80 years
The ROCKWOOL brand reveals the secrets that stones keep
Production sites in Europe, North America and Asia
12 000
Specialists in the state
> € 3 billion
Sales of the group of companies for 2021
Production of the company is applied for warmth keeping, sound- and fireproof and is intended for all kinds of buildings and constructions as well as for shipbuilding and industrial equipment.
Today ROCKWOOL owns 27 plants in 17 countries of the world: in Europe, North America and Asia. In Russia the company has 4 plants: in Moscow, Leningrad and Chelyabinsk regions and in the Republic of Tatarstan. Every day the company faces handling of large volume of payments.
TeamIdea tasks included business process improvement as well as automation of debtor payment accounting on SAP ECC 6.0 basis. The customer wanted to pay special attention to the advance payment accounting and control.