As of July 1, 2017, the Act on the Application of KKT (Cash Equipment) comes into force in online mode (290-FZ)
Entry into force of 54-FZ.
Basic rules
- The occurrence of KFT, Fiscal Storage (FN), Fiscal Data Operators (CRF) registers;
- Transmission of data on calculations in electronic form to the Federal Tax Administration by the CRF;
- Replacement of the ECCL unit with a fiscal drive, validity period of 13 to 36 months (capacity of 166,000 operations, registration of about 2 controls per second, storage for 5 years spent FN);
- Obligation to send a receipt in electronic form to the telephone or e-mail at the request of the buyer;
- The list of information to be indicated on the check (including the name of the goods (works / services), the price per unit, the tax rate, the amount, the cost including all discounts and surcharges) is extended;
- Mandatory formation of a check on payment with the use of other electronic means of payment (the check can be transmitted to the buyer in electronic form);
- A copy of a cashier's confirmation in electronic form corresponds to a cashier printed from a KKT on paper;
- New fiscal documents are being introduced.
Under the law, all payment and settlement transactions with customers / customers (other than bank transfers) must be registered via an updated KKT and transferred online to the Federal Tax Service.
Including the formation of the check, the peculiarities of the mutual settlements on the advance and the deferment / credit (see the order of the Federal Tax Service) should take into account.
What to do?
Thus, manufacturers, importers, distributors who use cash and bank cards in their calculations with customers should either refuse to use cash (and bank cards) in their calculations with customers (to use bank transfers only), or accounting according to legal requirements to lock.
For whom is the solution?
For companies that use SAP ERP as the main accounting system, we have prepared an FOS (fiscal operating system) solution in SAP ERP as an additional function module (SAP) for the creation of test data and integration with KKT.
Structure of the solution
Business Part
- Subsystem for the account of the debtor's payments;
- Automatic creation of a check for cash transactions (including the contents of a check);
- Automatic control generation for sales logistics;
- Automatic test generation for clearing operations;
- Automatic settlement of the payment with arrears on money documents;
- Automatic registration of marketing SF with advance payment;
- Purchase receipts on the basis of cancellation documents related to checks;
- Logging of tax transactions (check and financial document linkage);
- Call up the test and send function (including error handling).
Integration part
- Establishment and maintenance of FR in the organizational structure of the company;
- Monitoring and checking the availability / availability of the FR (including the notification system);
- Sending a document to the FR (through the service of tax operations);
- Receiving a response from the FR (logging);
- Processing FR replies;
- Carrying out manual operations KKT;
- Notification system (capacity and duration FN, availability, shipping to OFD);
- Automatic closing / opening of time shifts (setting).
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